Located in a prime and highly sought-after position is this mid-terraced cottage offering an excellent coastal residence and benefits from having been meticulously maintained by the vendors. No11 has an excellent proven track record on the holiday letting market.
The property is a Grade II listed former Officer’s Cottage with three bedrooms, pleasantly situated in a coastal location on the outskirts of Yarmouth adjacent to Fort Victoria. The property has breath-taking sea views over the Western Solent to the mainland coastline beyond and is within yards of the beach and coastal footpaths giving access through to Yarmouth and Colwell Bay and Sandhard Beach.
The property has been upgraded and refurbished to a high standard to provide a comfortable character home with all the benefits of modern living. Features include a modern shower room, fitted kitchen with built-in appliances, electric heating, wood burner, landscaped garden to the rear, communal parking and a large area of communal lawn to the front. The property is ideally suited for either a permanent coastal cottage, or a holiday retreat/investment. There is a truly impressive, modern outside studio with power and light. Furthermore, the house has a stunning modern kitchen with a good range of units which are of neutral colour.
From the north elevation:
Living Room
Exposed varnished floor boards. Window to front with views of the Western Solent. Electric radiator and wood burning stove and recessed shelving to the sides.
Kitchen/Breakfast Area
(open plan) Well fitted with a range of modern wall and base units with fitted roll top work surfaces incorporating an inset sink unit and electric ceramic hob. Built in electric oven, cooker hood, fridge, built in dishwasher. Part tiled walls, tiled floor, night storage heater, window and door to rear.
Glazed door to:
Inner Hall
With tiled floor, stairs off to first floor, under stairs store cupboard with place for a freezer, electric radiator and door to:
With quality modern suite comprising low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin and bath with shower over and tiled surround.
First Floor Landing
With window to rear and access to loft space.
Bedroom 1
Double bedroom with window to front with stunning sea views over the Western Solent to the mainland coastline beyond. Electric radiator. Built in wardrobe with hanging space and shelves and built in cupboard with shelves.
Bedroom 2
South facing window to rear. Electric radiator.
Bedroom 3
South facing window to rear. Electric radiator.
The front garden is enclosed by cast iron railings and laid to paving with access to the front entrance. Immediately in front of the cottages is a large area of communal lawn which runs down to Westhill Lane providing additional shared amenity space for Officer’s Cottages. There is excellent access to the stunning West Wight coastline.
To the rear of the property is a communal access way to the rear of each property beyond which is a private area of terraced and landscaped garden which is enclosed to the sides and rear by fencing. A high-quality modern garden studio is located at the southern end of the garden with power and light. This section of garden is beautifully landscaped with a path leading upwards.
The cottage has an allocated parking space and guests can park in the unallocated spaces.
Council Tax
EPC Rating
PO41 0SA
The cottages are Leasehold – 999 years from 1st January 2015, but the Freehold is jointly owned by the various owners who are all shareholders in the Fort Victoria Management Company. There is an annual charge of approximately £1,500 per annum that covers maintenance of all communal areas including grass cutting, the car park and the Klargester upkeep as well as ground rent and buildings insurance .
Mains water and electricity. Private drainage shared by the cottages to a Klargester tank situated on the land to the seaward side of the access road to the Fort.
From Westhill Lane on the corner before “The Boathouse” follow the blue sign to the left marked “coastal path” and follow the driveway until you see the car park on the right hand side.
Strictly by appointment with the agent Spence Willard.
Important Notice
1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Spence Willard in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing (“information”) as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Spence Willard nor any joint agent has any authority to make any representations about the property, and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s). 2. Photos etc.: The photographs show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only.
3. Regulations etc.: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these matters have been properly dealt with and that all information is correct. 4. VAT: The VAT position relating to the property may change without notice.