Coachmans Cottage
This charming cottage has been enjoyed by the present owners and is now available to the market for the first time in over 50 years.
Stone-built, the cottage has attractive detailing including ornate wooden barge boards, and provides good sized family accommodation, however would now benefit from areas of refurbishment and modernisation.
Situated off of the popular Castlehaven Lane, Coachmans Cottage is accessed off of a private shared driveway and has an easily maintained area of garden extending to the western side of the cottage as well as off road parking for two cars.
Nearby Castlehaven is a particularly attractive bay, great for swimming, snorkelling and paddleboarding; as well as being home to the popular True Food Kitchen outdoor restaurant. The surrounding coastline is also popular with surfers and kite surfers. There are excellent coastal walks directly accessible from the property including around nearby St Catherine’s Lighthouse as well as leading East towards other bays and coves such as Woody Bay and Orchard Bay.
Ground Floor
A part-glazed front door opens to the Entrance Hall.
Sitting Room
A spacious dual aspect sitting room with space for both seating and dining areas. A brick chimney houses a woodburning stove set on a flagstone hearth making a lovely focal point of the room. Door to:
Fitted with base units, sink, worksurfaces and space for freestanding appliances, including plumbing for washing machine. Overlooking and with access to the garden.
Shower Room
Shower, wash basin and WC.
A large space with access opening to the external hardstanding.
First Floor
Stairs lead to a split landing
With storage cupboard.
Bedroom 1
A large double bedroom with sea glimpses.
Bedroom 2
A double bedroom with views over the garden.
Bedroom 3
A single bedroom with outlook to neighbouring garden.
Bedroom 4
Further double bedroom with great views of the English Channel.
Family Bathroom
Bath, wash basin and WC. Airing cupboard housing hot water cylinder and with slatted shelving.
The property is accessed through stone pillars, via a shared driveway that also leads to “Permaculture Island” situated just beyond Coachmans Cottage. The garden extends in a strip from the cottage towards Castlehaven Lane and comprises a partly lawned area bordered by shrubs and with a paved terrace accessed from the kitchen. There is a gated hardstanding to the eastern side of the cottage that provides off-road parking for two vehicles.
PO38 2NB
Council Tax
Band A
Rating F
Mains water and electricity. Oil fired central heating. Private drainage.
All viewings will be strictly by prior arrangement with the sole selling agents, Spence Willard.
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