Available to the market for the first time in decades, Pyle House is a fine and significant town centre property, which was originally built as a wealthy gentleman’s residence and in recent years been used as headquarters for a professional service business as their busy premises.
The property benefits from a south facing aspect with an abundance of period features throughout, including original staircase, panelled drawing room, impressive cornices, and a feature fireplace (untested). By way of a long-term agreement there is parking for three cars which is located a short walk from the property. There is a rear garden just behind the kitchen.
The property briefly comprises a hallway leading to a large south facing drawing room/meeting room which would make stunning living accommodation. A further large room, which is currently being used as a reception and benefits from a south facing aspect and leads through to a rear office with a staff kitchen to the side. A door leads through to the courtyard garden at the rear of the property, which is predominantly enclosed by a wall.
The first floor has three large rooms, all of which enjoy large windows with good aspects. There is a w/c located just off the landing and plenty of built-in storage. The second floor comprises of three further rooms, all of which have windows, two of the rooms are south facing. There is a storage lobby between the two main rooms on the second floor.
On the eastern end of the property is a very useful ‘store’ room which has doors at either end giving access through into the rear garden. A door from the pavement enables direct access into this room.
The property would lend itself to being converted to a house or divided for residential use subject to obtaining the necessary consents. We are in receipt of a recent planning report from an RTPI Chartered Town Planner, in relation to a change of use for residential purposes. Please contact our offices for a copy of this.
Freehold. Three car parking spaces held on an agreement in perpetuity.
Mains: water, gas, drainage, and water serve the property.
All viewings will be strictly by prior arrangement with the joint selling agents.
Full Description
Available to the market for the first time in decades, Pyle House is a fine and significant town centre property, which was originally built as a wealthy gentleman’s residence and in recent years been used as headquarters for a professional service business as their busy premises.
The property benefits from a south facing aspect with an abundance of period features throughout, including original staircase, panelled drawing room, impressive cornices, and a feature fireplace (untested). By way of a long-term agreement there is parking for three cars which is located a short walk from the property. There is a rear garden just behind the kitchen.
The property briefly comprises a hallway leading to a large south facing drawing room/meeting room which would make stunning living accommodation. A further large room, which is currently being used as a reception and benefits from a south facing aspect and leads through to a rear office with a staff kitchen to the side. A door leads through to the courtyard garden at the rear of the property, which is predominantly enclosed by a wall.
The first floor has three large rooms, all of which enjoy large windows with good aspects. There is a w/c located just off the landing and plenty of built-in storage. The second floor comprises of three further rooms, all of which have windows, two of the rooms are south facing. There is a storage lobby between the two main rooms on the second floor.
On the eastern end of the property is a very useful ‘store’ room which has doors at either end giving access through into the rear garden. A door from the pavement enables direct access into this room.
Pyle House, 136/137 Pyle Street, Newport, PO30 1JW
Mains: water, gas, drainage, and water serve the property.
Parking Notes
Three car parking spaces held on an agreement in perpetuity.
The property would lend itself to being converted to a house or divided for residential use subject to obtaining the necessary consents. We are in receipt of a recent planning report from an RTPI Chartered Town Planner, in relation to a change of use for residential purposes. Please contact our offices for a copy of this.
Important Notice 1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Spence Willard in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing (“information”) as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Spence Willard nor any joint agent has any authority to make any representations about the property, and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s). 2. Photos etc.: The photographs show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. 3. Regulations etc.: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these matters have been properly dealt with and that all information is correct. 4. VAT: The VAT position relating to the property may change without notice.