The property offers bright accommodation and feature two double bedrooms, both with built-in storage, a well appointed shower room, a generous living room and a kitchen/breakfast room. There is a gas central heating system with a ‘Hive’ smart thermostat, controllable when away from the property for great convenience, as well as double glazed windows and doors throughout. Outside, there is good off road parking to the side as well as a garage and a westerly facing rear garden which takes full advantage of the afternoon sun, making this property ideally suited as either a permanent or second home.
The property is one of a handful of bungalows neatly tucked away in Jennings Close and within a few hundred yards of ‘Orchard Brothers’ general store, the well known thatched church of St Agnes and access to a public bridleway and footpath leading to Tennyson Down. The nearby seafront and popular beach at Freshwater Bay with its recently refurbished and well regarded hotel/restaurant, The Albion, is within a short walk of this location. The main shops services and amenities are located in Freshwater village centre which is within a mile and the harbour town of Yarmouth with its mainland ferry terminal is within just a ten minute drive, making this property ideally situated as a permanent or second home.
With an entrance porch featuring a useful cloaks cupboard and leading to the entrance hall with a built-in airing cupboard housing the hot water tank and access to a boarded loft space with fitted ladder and power/light.
A good sized and bright reception room with sitting and dining space. A feature fireplace with gas fire and surround is the man focal point and patio doors give access to the rear garden.
A good sized space featuring a dual aspect and external access to the side and well fitted with a range of cupboards, drawers and work surfaces incorporating an inset sink and integrated cooking facilities comprising an electric double oven with a five burner gas hob and cooker hood over. There is ample space for a washing machine and dishwasher as well space for a dining table and chairs. A wall mounted gas boiler provides central heating and hot water.
A good double bedroom with an outlook to the front and fitted with a wide range of furniture including wardrobes and drawers.
Another double bedroom with an outlook to the front.
A well appointed space with a large walk-in shower cubicle and fitted furniture incorporating storage along with a vanity wash sink and a WC with concealed cistern.
To the front of the property is an open plan area of garden mainly laid to lawn. To the side is a useful block paved driveway/parking area which provides access to the detached Garage 5.560m x 2.690m (18’2″ x 8’9″) with up and over door and power/light.
The sunny rear garden is enclosed by fencing an features a good sized patio terrace and a lawned area bordered by plants/shrub beds. Other features include a garden shed, gated side access and a garden seat.
PO40 9XJ
Strictly by prior appointment with the sole selling agent, Spence Willard.
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