Tree Tops is situated in a fabulous, elevated location and now offers a new owner a good opportunity to create a lovely home in this tranquil area. The house is of traditional brick construction and is believed to date back to the 1940’s. It is situated close to the sea and has good access to the coastal footpath, which gives access to around 70 miles of stunning coastline.
The house has been modernised in recent years with a replacement kitchen, shower room, drainage system, re-landscaped with high quality summer house with power, good quality garden shed, a potting shed and a glass greenhouse. It comprises of two double bedrooms, bathroom, sitting room/kitchen/diner and porch. Hard wood flooring in the sitting room/kitchen/diner, hallway and bedrooms. The utility room with door leading to the raised deck. The property has the benefit of two vehicular access points. The second plot of land is located opposite on the North-East side of Seaview Road and is planted in part for wildlife for food and shelter of door mice, red squirrels and other wildlife. The property is fitted with double glazing and a modern boiler system.
Front Door to hallway leading to:-
Sitting Room/Kitchen/Diner
With a lovely outlook over the front garden and mature woodland beyond. Large doors leading out onto the raised deck. A modern open-plan kitchen has been fitted with an excellent range of units, slim line dishwasher, under counter fridge, eye level oven and grill and induction hob. This sizable room benefits from being triple aspect. This room has beautiful views over the immaculate and well stocked garden.
Utility Room
East facing window. Place for washing machine. Sink and base cupboards. Door leading to the raised deck.
WC and wash hand basin.
Bedroom 1
Double bedroom, East and West facing windows with lovely aspects of the garden. Free standing, mirrored wardrobe.
Bedroom 2
Double bedroom, West facing with views over the beautiful rear garden.
Shower Room
WC, wash hand basin and shower cubical. Fully tiled.
The property has the benefit of sitting in a plot of around 0.42 acres and there is a separate plot of land which amounts to approximately 0.13 acres, which is mainly wooded. The gardens surrounding the house have been the subject of a professional re-landscaping project over recent years. A large pergola has been installed with climbing roses and clematis, it makes for a wonderful walk through in the summer. Raised beds for vegetables and a small orchard filled with fruit trees grafted onto dwarf stock, and located at the South-West end of the garden is a wooded area left for the wild life. The grounds also include a high quality summer house with power, garden shed, potting shed, glazed greenhouse, and recently installed a large gravel parking area to the front of the property.
Mains water and electricity serve the property. The property has private drainage and oil fired central heating.
Rating E.
Council Tax
Band C.
PO41 0XY
Strictly by prior appointment only with the sole selling agents, Spence Willard.
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