The property features split level living with a good sized kitchen to the ground floor leading out to a patio area which was formally a conservatory, offering potential to be reinstated if required. To the first floor there is a large double bedroom and a good single bedroom, together with a lounge and good sized bathroom with a bath and a separate shower cubicle. The accommodation could do with some modernisation in areas and is heated by individual electric night storage heaters and a modern ladder towel rail to the bathroom. Outside, and in addition to the patio area, there is a generous separate enclosed area of private garden for residents to enjoy.
Nestled in the Hamlet of Middleton, the property is close to Freshwater village shops and amenities and can be accessed via the delightful footpath/bridleway of Spinfish Lane. There are also nearby footpaths and bridleways to miles of downland and coastal walks. The beach in Freshwater Bay is within a mile and the harbour town of Yarmouth with its excellent sailing facilities and mainland ferry terminal is within a ten minute drive making this property an ideal permanent home or lock up and leave.
A bright dual aspect room with a range of storage cupboards and sink unit, together with ample work surface and space for a freestanding electric cooker with cooker hood over, plumbing for a washing machine and space for a fridge/freezer. There is a night storage heater and double doors leading out to a patio area which was formally a conservatory.
A good sized room with a night storage heater and an outlook to the front.
A large double bedroom with a night storage heater and an outlook to the front.
A useful space leading off the lounge with a night storage heater and window to the front.
A good single bedroom with a window to the rear and a bult-in wardrobe cupboard.
A dual aspect room fitted with a white suite comprising WC, wash basin bath and a shower cubicle. In addition, there is a built-in storage cupboard and an airing cupboard housing the combination hot and cold water storage tank.
There is pedestrian gated access off Middleton onto a shared pathway to the side of Rose Cottages providing access to the main entrance door and leading through to a separate area of enclosed garden mainly laid to lawn with a selection of trees and shrubs as well as an old timber garden shed. Adjacent to the property is a patio area which was formally a conservatory leading off the kitchen which could e re-instated, subject to obtaining any necessary consent/approval.
Freehold and subject to a leasehold on the property below which is the remainder of a 999 year lease from 1st December 1986.
PO40 9NY
Strictly by prior appointment with the selling agent Spence Willard.
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