Available to the market for the first time since it was built is this wonderful 3-bedroom chalet bungalow property, which offers a bright and sunny aspect within a stunning secluded plot. It is the perfect house for someone looking for something a little bit different and away from a run of the mill modern house and there is ample space for car parking. Houses such as this are hard to come by and this particular property offers a rare opportunity. There is a fabulous mix of a well-cared for garden, woodland and wildflower meadow which rises up to an elevated position – enclosed with mature hedgerows.
The house would now benefit from some minor modernisation but is well laid out and benefits from a relatively new treatment plant. There is a good-sized garden which wraps around the house and is packed full of beautiful and mature shrubs / trees. The garden backs onto a large field of around 2 acres, which offers an excellent level of privacy and rises up to bordering woodland, where there is a lovely aspect. The field offers a new owner the perfect potential to ‘live the good life’ with the options of keeping livestock, horses or perhaps seeding a wildflower meadow. The land has proved to be productive for an annual standing of grass, cut for hay and potentially could be cut bi-annually.
The house has 3 bedrooms with a double-aspect sitting room that leads through to the dining room and would also make a good further sitting room/snug, if required by the new owner. There is a family bathroom and separate WC. The kitchen enjoys a good outlook with a good range of wall and base units. There is a useful pantry and a rear door to access the back garden.
The property benefits from direct access from the asphalt section of Cranmore Avenue. There is a lean-too storage area which is currently being used as a log store but would also work well for a car.
The property sits perfectly within its plot. There is parking to the front of the property. The garden is mainly laid to lawn with attractive beds with majestic oak trees as a stunning backdrop.
The rear field is laid to permanent pasture and has been grazed in the past. The land is sold with vacant possession. The garden plot is predominantly level, and the field gently rises to a high point in the western end. The land is largely self-draining and there are no rights of way across the land.
Services Mains water and electricity serve the property. Private drainage.
Tenure Freehold
EPC Rating E.
Council Tax Band D.
Postcode PO41 0XS.
Viewings All viewings will be strictly by prior arrangement with the sole selling agents, Spence Willard.
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