In need of refurbishment, the property comprises a good sized lounge/diner to the ground floor with a kitchen leading off to the rear. To the first floor there is currently a double bedroom to the front with an open landing area which was previously subdivided as a second bedroom. Leading off the landing is a bathroom to the rear. The property features double glazed windows and has a mixture of of electric heaters as well as an open fireplace to the lounge area. Outside, there are gardens to the front and rear which are currently overgrown.
Situated along a country lane on the southerly outskirts of Totland Bay, the property is accessible to a network of footpaths and bridleways leading to miles of downland and coastal walks. The High Down Inn is within a few hundred yards walk and the beach in Totland Bay is within a mile, together with the local shops in Totland village centre. Freshwater village with its range of shops and amenities is just over a mile away and the mainland ferry terminal in Yarmouth is around a ten minute drive.
With work surface, sink unit and an electric cooker point.
A good sized room with a bay window to the front and window to the rear. There is an open fireplace to one end and stairs lead off with an understairs store cupboard.
Formally a smaller area with a single bedroom off. Fitted with an airing cupboard housing a hot water tank.
A double bedroom with an outlook to the front.
with an outlook to the rear and currently comprising bath with electric shower, WC and washbasin
There are gardens to the front and rear of the property which are currently overgrown. The front garden has steps down to the property and a side path leading to the entrance door to the rear. The rear garden is a good size and extends beyond and behind the adjoining Weaver Cottage and has a number of old timber outbuildings. We understand that there is a right of access across the garden for the neighbouring cottages to gain access their gardens.
PO39 0HE
Strictly by prior appointment with the selling agent Spence Willard.
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