Thistledown is available to the market for the first time in several years and now offers a new owner a wonderful opportunity to create a fabulous family home. The property was significantly updated around 14 years ago and would now benefit from some upgrading and potentially enlarging (subject to obtaining necessary planning permissions). The house is located down a privately owned drive and borders mature trees at one end with hedging. There is a modern, well-equipped kitchen with a good range of wall and base units and from the kitchen there is a back door leading to a raised terrace offering fine views with an attractive aspect.
There is an attractive south facing sitting room which leads through to two bedrooms. There is a family shower room with WC and wash hand basin and further en- suite bathroom facilities to the principal bedroom. Outside the property there is a substantial timber framed storage building / garage at the rear of the property and most of the plot is laid to lawn and is predominantly level. There is space for multiple cars to be park. The property has its own private drainage system water and power is connected to the property.
Council Tax
Band C – £2,007 per annum.
EPC Rating
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