Occupying the ground floor of this illustrious former school, apartment no 3 enjoys large reception space with a generous sitting room, separate kitchen/dining room and three well-proportioned double bedrooms, two bathrooms, one of which being ensuite. Overlooking the well-kept and substantial communal gardens with a southerly aspect, this apartment also benefits from a refurbished kitchen, W.C. and shower room among other internal decoration and uniquely has its own access onto Pump Lane at the rear via its own private courtyard with utility room, a large storage room, and a large storage cupboard. The apartment boasts a wealth of original character and features, natural light and large and substantial well-proportioned rooms with high ceilings. Listed Grade II, the building also has the benefit of recently fitted double glazed aluminium windows on the rear and west side, as well as double glazed sash windows on the front.
Tucked away on a tree-lined avenue, North Wells Lodge is only a short walk from the village centre and Bembridge Harbour which has extensive mooring facilities and two sailing clubs, while the village has a good range of shops, cafes, and restaurants in addition to an excellent fishmongers, butchers and farm shop. The coastal path crosses Ducie Avenue adjacent to the property meaning there is direct access to walking routes to the harbour, a plethora of stunning beaches and further to Culver Down and Brading RSPB marshes, all excellent for picturesque countryside walks.
The front door to the apartment opens to an entrance hall with plenty of space for hanging coats and a deep cupboard, with original terrazzo tiled floor.
Recently refurbished with vanity unit wash basin, concealed cistern W.C. heated towel and motion operated illuminated mirror.
Shower Room
With a stylish finish incorporating vanity unit wash basin, walk-in shower with a stone effect tile in a range of blue colours, heated towel rail and illuminated motion operated mirror.
Inner Hallway
Accessing all rooms in the apartment, there is luxury vinyl tile floor and wall mounted HIVE app controlled thermostat and roof light providing natural light.
Bedroom 3
Is a comfortable double bedroom with built-in wardrobe storage.
Bedroom 2
A large double bedroom with the benefit of patio door to the private courtyard.
Bedroom 1
A generous double bedroom with window overlooking the western aspect. Built in wardrobe storage and ensuite bathroom with bath, tiled walls, W.C. and pedestal wash basin.
Sitting Room
This impressive and substantial reception space has sash windows overlooking the gardens and southerly aspect with twin doors to the front patio.
Kitchen/Dining Room
Original stone terrazzo tiled floors, large sash window overlooking the gardens and a kitchen comprising a range of shaker style under counter and wall mounted storage units with integrated Stoves four ring ceramic hob, oven and grill. In addition a large stainless steel sink with mixer tap over and space for fridge/freezer. There is a deep crockery cupboard and space for a dining table and chairs.
Accessed through rendered pillars on the sought after Ducie Avenue a gravelled driveway sweeps in where there is plenty of parking for all residents and visitors. Tucked away overlooking large lawned communal gardens, North Wells enjoys a peaceful and private spot. To the rear of the apartment is a walled courtyard which is an ideal and protected area for outdoor dining and benefits from its own gated access onto Pump Lane, which leads to the beach. A utility room for the benefit of apartment 3 only, also houses gas metres for five other apartments, (who have rights to inspect when required) and there is a further large room, for storage. There is also a large cupboard which are particularly useful for BBQ storage, etc.
Mains gas, electricity, water and drainage. Heating is provided by gas fired boiler and delivered via radiators. Copper based fibre internet and phone service also connected.
The property is offered with the remainder of a 999 Year Lease granted in 1987 and all residents have a share of the Freehold. There is an annual service charge of around £2,746 which includes a £25 ground rent per annum. The North Wells Management Company LTD comprising of the 12 residents look after building insurance and maintenance. The lease restricts against short term holiday letting, however assured short hold tenancy letting is permitted. Pets are permitted, however dogs must not cause a nuisance and be kept on a lead in communal areas.
Council Tax
Band E
PO35 5SA
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