The property offers good accommodation featuring two bedrooms, one with an en suite shower/wet room as well as another bathroom, dining room, leading through to the sitting room, kitchen and a conservatory. The accommodation is warmed by a gas central heating system and enjoys double glazed windows throughout the main part of the property. Adjoining, there is a detached garage with parking in front and there are gardens to the front and rear.
The property is situated in a small cul-de-sac location of similar bungalows and accessible to the local shop and popular Piano Café. Close is the beach and Nature Reserve as well as local footpaths providing access to miles of downland and coastal walks which enjoy some breathtaking scenery. There is a good range of shops and amenities in Freshwater centre which is within a mile and the harbour town of Yarmouth with its mainland ferry terminal is within a ten minute drive.
A welcoming space with laminate flooring, access to the loft space, built-in store cupboard and an airing cupboard housing a modern hot water cylinder.
with patio doors to the conservatory and opening through to:
with an outlook to the rear.
Offering additional area to sit and enjoy the outlook over the rear garden
With an outlook to the rear garden and fitted with a range of cupboards, drawers and work surfaces incorporating an inset one and half bowl sink unit as well as an integrated electric double oven and ceramic hob with cooker hood over. There is space and plumbing for a washing machine and a side door leading out to the garden.
A generous double bedroom with an outlook to the front.
With modern suite comprising a multi function WC, vanity wash basin and shower area with wet room floor.
Another good bedroom with an outlook to the front.
With suite comprising WC, wash basin and shower cubilce.
To the front is an open plan area of garden stocked with a variety of plants. There is a block paved driveway providing off road parking for two cars and access to the GARAGE 5.50m x 2.55m (18’0″ x 8’4″) with an electric up and over door, power/light and a door leading to the rear garden.
The rear garden is enclosed by fencing and is hard landscaped with paving slabs for reduced maintenance. Features include a garden pond, shed and a timber workshop/store with power/light. To the side of the property is an additional area which has a greenhouse and a gated access to the front.
PO40 9XJ
Strictly by appointment with the selling agent Spence Willard.
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