Seafield (Plot)
Occupying a superb position on the western fringe of Wootton with unobstructed views spanning to the Solent, the property will also have direct access to the proposed coastal path. There is easy access to car ferries at East Cowes and Fishbourne, both of which are a ten-minute drive away, which lead to Southampton and Portsmouth respectively. Nearby Ryde School and Priory School are a short drive away. Wootton Bridge itself has a range of local shops, restaurants, a Spa Hotel and mooring facilities at The Royal Victoria Sailing Club on Wootton Creek. A wider range of sailing facilities are available in the internationally renowned sailing centre of Cowes just over 3 miles to the west.
Designed to make the most of the views, this proposed single storey home extends for approximately 3,000 sq. ft and will comprise four double bedrooms with three bathrooms (two of them being en-suite), a kitchen/dining room with a spacious seating area in addition to a TV room, utility room, boot room and car port. The principal rooms all benefit from the superb views with the main living space also having access to a south facing rear courtyard garden.
There is potential to also purchase additional land within the adjacent field, (which is to be subject to a covenant restricting it to being pasture).
The plot is accessed from Brocks Copse Road via a private driveway which will serve just two other properties. (Please note, the farm track that currently runs between the plot and the paddock has ceased to be used and is being relocated.)
Planning and Covenants
Planning consent was granted on 29th June 2023. Full plans can be viewed via the Isle of Wight Planning website under reference 23/00204/FUL. To the northeast of the plot there is a further plot with outline planning consent for 8-10 high quality detached houses (which will be accessed from the far end of Palmers Road). Restrictive covenants exist preventing any widows on the first floor of the southern elevation on the nearest property ensuring privacy for the future occupiers of Seafield. In addition, there is a covenant on Seafield to prevent it being built any higher than the proposed plans (to safeguard the view from Westfield, situated to the rear).
Mains gas, electricity and water have been laid to the plot and the proposed property will have use of a recently installed private drainage system.
PO33 4NP
All viewings will be strictly by prior arrangement with the sole selling agents, Spence Willard.
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