This two-bedroom bungalow requires refurbishment, however, offers two double bedrooms, a large kitchen and a delightful sitting room that overlooks the rear garden and over to Appuldurcombe Estate beyond.
Located on the outskirts of the village of Wroxall in a mixed residential street, the home is within easy access of the local convenience store, public house and local bus route. The property benefits from double glazing and gas central heating and enjoys a nice open outlook from most of its spacious rooms.
The property has an integral garage which would allow further space to extend the home if required, subject to the necessary permissions. Adjacent to this there is a driveway for a vehicle and potential to create additional parking in the front garden. A pathway leads down the side of the property, to steps which lead into an entrance porch with another door accessing the rear garden.
ENTRANCE PORCH With steps leading up to the front door, a window to the side providing natural light, door to rear garden and extended hallway into the home.
BEDROOM 2 A nice double bedroom with a lovely open outlook to the countryside beyond.
SITTING ROOM A nice ‘L-shaped’ dual aspect room with sliding doors that overlook and lead out to the manageable rear garden.
SEPARATE CLOAKROOM With wash basin and WC.
FAMILY BATHROOM With bath with shower over and wash basin. Fitted airing cupboard and further linen cupboard.
KITCHEN A spacious kitchen with a range of wall and base units, stainless steel sink and drainer, freestanding oven and space for a small table.
BEDROOM 1 With fitted wardrobes, this is a spacious bedroom that overlooks the front garden and is flooded with natural light.
OUTSIDE The property has both an integral garage and a driveway to the front with an area of lawn allowing space to extend the parking. The rear garden is accessed from steps down from the entrance porch or sitting room and is mainly laid to paving with bordering mature shrubs.
TENURE Leasehold. Remainder of 999 years from1878.
EPC Rating D
SERVICES Mains water, drainage, electricity and gas. Gas fired central heating.
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of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s). 2. Photos etc: The photographs show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. 3. Regulations etc: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these
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