Blackberry Barn
Formerly St Josephs RC Church, this building has served the Niton community over many years and was granted planning permission in 2017, ref: P/01361/16, for conversion to a single dwelling.
The planning permission has since lapsed allowing the buyer potential to revise the previous plans and create a wonderful village residence with an abundance of character. The building has an area of land to the rear which is large enough to provide a courtyard garden and vehicular parking and is connected to mains drainage.
Within walking distance of the wealth of amenities the popular village provides, Niton has a popular village school, pharmacy, post office with a cafe bar, two public houses, and access to superb country and coastal walks, including to St Catherines Lighthouse and Castlehaven beach.
With double doors to the rear and a large entrance vestibule and separate entrance porch.
Currently fitted with a sink and base units and access to a small store area.
With a double opening and separate door into main hall. Door to separate cloakroom and stairs to:
With a large window overlooking the main hall.
Parking and courtyard.
PO38 2AU
Mains electric, water and drainage.
Lapsed planning reference P/01361/16
Strictly by prior appointment with sole selling agents, Spence Willard.
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